Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Monday, October 24, 2011


When you become tired of sinful ways,
When you become aware that you are going in the wrong direction,
When the way of the world, the flesh and satan become repugnant,
When you see yourself as a part of the earthly corruption,
When you begin to see that surely there is a better way.

These thoughts begin to weigh heavily upon your heart and mind. God's way then begins to break through,


They lead to a stirring up of that stubborn will,


That is when your thoughts begin to focus on the goodness of God's way.

Faith then leads us to pray the sinner's prayer ...

LORD, BE MERCIFUL TO ME, A SINNER ... just 7 words says it all.

Where sin abounds - Grace doth much more abound.

Roy Falls


  1. Hi Roy,

    Thanks for your note.

    I'm not sure who else you think should be demonized --

    Also, when you write a letter to the editor, you have to do something besides post it on your own website.

    Write anytime,


  2. Take a gander at this and see if you think it fits the profile of deserved demonization.
