Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Airy Nothingness

    AIRY NOTHINGNESS: Comets that race through the universe have been described as "airy Nothingness". Delightful to behold, but lacking in substance. Such is the case with all of our so-called "collective learning." Expectations are nothing but futile teasers, if based on human efforts alone. Without God, which is the current trend, judgment is sure to follow 

    ~ Quote Roy Falls.

The Only Light In A Dark World

    THE ONLY LIGHT IN A DARK WORLD: The risen Christ, declared to be Son of God, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. 

    ~ Roy Falls

How To Overcome Depression

    HOW TO OVERCOME DEPRESSION: By learning that the great battle lies in the power of the Lord. "Not by might nor by power , but by my Spirit , sayeth the Lord".

    ~ Quote Roy Falls.

We Walk By Faith: Not By Sight

    WE WALK BY FAITH: NOT BY SIGHT. " The Just shall live by faith". Faith will lead to eternal life; sight will lead to eternal damnation. Faith will not play "footsy" with evil; sight will entangle you with corruption. Faith is substantive; sight is fantasy. Faith will save you from pitfalls; sight will cause you to stumble. Faith will brighten your pathway; sight will darken the path. The scenario is endless...

    ~ Quote: Roy Falls


    A BROKEN WORLD: We live in a broken world, filled with broken people. A situation which can only be fixed by a broken-hearted people, called Christians, used of God in HIS own way. Strange as it may seem, God uses broken vessels, emptied of self, but patched up by His redeeming grace and transformed and made over in the image of His dear Son. 

    ~  Roy Falls 


    FAITH, HOPE & CHARITY ..... These are the building blocks of civilization, and the foundation of the coming Kingdom. These three principles are far more superior to man's wisdom. Knowledge too, shall pass away, for it changes with every passing generation. The half has not yet been told, for now we see only in part. Reason enough to conclude that without faith, we grope in darkness.

    Quote:  Roy Falls

Vintage Norris

Click onto picture to enlarge.


    If leaders of Iran would take a cue from the former king of Persia, now called Iran, it would be a "new day" for mankind. Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, recognized the special place in human history of ancient Israel. Not only did he befriend the Jews, he financed the rebuilding of their land. There are two views that dominate the concept of divinity. Polytheism [ many gods] represents the view of many cultures, but rejected by both the Judaeo and Christian faiths, whereas Monotheism [ one God], is the unifying force that binds America to the land of Israel, a bond not easily broken. Sadly, the infiltration of Polytheism, in one form or another in American culture will prove to be our Waterloo. The struggle continues.

    Quote:  Roy Falls