Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Monday, June 30, 2014


Civilization has always been divided by dualistic ideas. Currently, the cliche of the 'Haves' and the 'Have-Nots' has become one way of clarifying social issues. Even intellectualism has not escaped this identifying mark. So we have the 'wits' and 'half-wits'. It is now established (in the minds of 'the crowd'), that to get ahead, you need to be a 'joiner'. Out of this concept, 'the crowd' has created the monstrosity of self-interests, headed up by lobby organizations. To get ahead, you must 'join the group'. They 'can do for you, what you can not do for yourself'.

So, we have government employee lobby groups, and we have union organizations. We have educational lobby groups. On and on the scenario balloons out of control. And what is left is the lonely, isolated individual which I have labeled as the victimized 'snookeree'. Noah was probably the original 'snookeree'. Yes, he was snickered at, but became the winner in the end. The vast majority of humanity should be classified as 'snookerees'. It is not disgraceful to be a snookeree, for in most cases, they never lose the ideal of following the dictates of a pure conscience. Snookeroos are not all bad people. Lest anyone get the idea that the above smacks of socialism, you are wrong. I have seen too much of injustice, and for conscience sake, I come down on the side of the snookeroees, who have been snookered far too long.

~ Roy Falls original quote 

(Roy Falls was greatly influenced under the ministry of J Frank Norris)