Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Roy Falls at Norris' gravesite

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The writer Jude says that "the grace of God hath appeared to all men." There is no hint in scripture of a universal salvation, but the way God works in the heart of all humanity is common to all. Every man, woman and even child at some point in life has sensed that feeling of a void in their life. They become aware that something is missing. Where does that nagging feeling come from? None other than that "still small voice " ... the silent working of the Spirit of Christ. If that awareness is not choked out by the cares of life, then that awareness soon develops into a thirst after righteousness. ... ( Matt. 5:6) "Blessed are they, who do hunger and "thirst" after righteousness." Who is the author of all this inter-struggle, none other than the blessed Holy Spirit carrying out the good graces of God. The providential care of merciful God can hear the feeble prayer of a lost sinner. "Lord be merciful to me a sinner."  How then can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?

~ Roy Falls, Founder of The J Frank Norris Historical Society

Pure Sign of Apostasy

 A sure sign of apostasy is the flawed attempt to explain away the "the sting of death." 

 Roy Falls,  Founder of the J Frank Norris Historical Society.

Life is Full of Hoaxes

There is none more deadly than the hoax of unproven evolution . It is all traced back to the rebellion of the fallen angels. Any attempt to replace the authority of scriptures is the seed of rebellion. "In the beginning was the WORD.' Ask, and you will receive; knock, and it shall be Opened unto you; seek , and you will find. W hem grace is bestowed, the sin of rebellion will be gone.

~ Roy Falls, founder: J. Frank Norris Historical Society

Israel Will Survive

Somehow Israel will survive. Not a prophetic word, just a verification of scripture.


Saddest Words Ever Penned

Genesis 6: 8
If America, nationwide, would humble itself before God, all of the impending doomsday talk would vanish. Will this happen? Our fervent prayer is, we would hope so. But sadly, its almost more than we could hope for, when we consider the depth of our spiritual departure. The saddest words ever penned, IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN.

~ Roy Falls,  founder of The J Frank Norris Historical Society.